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Buenos Aires, Argentina.- In the photos, the Chamber of Deputies discusses the draft Base Law on June 25, 2024. More than 60 signatures obtained the opinion of the plenary session of the General Legislation, Budget and Finance and Constitutional Affairs, of the Chamber of Deputies, in favor of the treatment of the Bases Law in the chamber as it was corrected by the Senate.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.- In the photos, the Chamber of Deputies discusses the draft Base Law on June 25, 2024. More than 60 signatures obtained the opinion of the plenary session of the General Legislation, Budget and Finance and Constitutional Affairs, of the Chamber of Deputies, in favor of the treatment of the Bases Law in the chamber as it was corrected by the Senate.
Buenos Aires, Argentina: In the photo of 12 June 2024, the debate on the Ley Bases in the Senate. The government decided to give in to pressure and removed the state-owned companies Aerolíneas Argentina, Correo Argentino and RTA from the privatisation list. In addition, the government also eliminated the pension chapter, so that potential beneficiaries will be able to continue retiring without 30 years of contributions.
Buenos Aires, Argentina: In the photo of 12 June 2024, the debate on the Ley Bases in the Senate. The government decided to give in to pressure and removed the state-owned companies Aerolíneas Argentina, Correo Argentino and RTA from the privatisation list. In addition, the government also eliminated the pension chapter, so that potential beneficiaries will be able to continue retiring without 30 years of contributions.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.- In the photos, Nancy Pazos, representing the Periodistas Argentinas organization, spoke in the Senate during the committee debate on the Bases Law on May 16, 2024. In her speech in the Blue Room, the journalist Pazos warned, "We are in danger of converting information into propaganda by law...We are in danger when in the coverage of events and mobilizations they shoot gas and rubber bullets at us." The debate in the commission of the Base Law concluded on Thursday at night in the Senate, without the ruling party of La Libertad Avanza being able to advance a ruling to be able to bring the project to the floor.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.- In the photos, Nancy Pazos, representing the Periodistas Argentinas organization, spoke in the Senate during the committee debate on the Bases Law on May 16, 2024. In her speech in the Blue Room, the journalist Pazos warned, "We are in danger of converting information into propaganda by law...We are in danger when in the coverage of events and mobilizations they shoot gas and rubber bullets at us." The debate in the commission of the Base Law concluded on Thursday at night in the Senate, without the ruling party of La Libertad Avanza being able to advance a ruling to be able to bring the project to the floor.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.- In the photos, Nancy Pazos, representing the Periodistas Argentinas organization, spoke in the Senate during the committee debate on the Bases Law on May 16, 2024. In her speech in the Blue Room, the journalist Pazos warned, "We are in danger of converting information into propaganda by law...We are in danger when in the coverage of events and mobilizations they shoot gas and rubber bullets at us." The debate in the commission of the Base Law concluded on Thursday at night in the Senate, without the ruling party of La Libertad Avanza being able to advance a ruling to be able to bring the project to the floor.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.- In the photos, Nancy Pazos, representing the Periodistas Argentinas organization, spoke in the Senate during the committee debate on the Bases Law on May 16, 2024. In her speech in the Blue Room, the journalist Pazos warned, "We are in danger of converting information into propaganda by law...We are in danger when in the coverage of events and mobilizations they shoot gas and rubber bullets at us." The debate in the commission of the Base Law concluded on Thursday at night in the Senate, without the ruling party of La Libertad Avanza being able to advance a ruling to be able to bring the project to the floor.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.- In the photos, Nancy Pazos, representing the Periodistas Argentinas organization, spoke in the Senate during the committee debate on the Bases Law on May 16, 2024. In her speech in the Blue Room, the journalist Pazos warned, "We are in danger of converting information into propaganda by law...We are in danger when in the coverage of events and mobilizations they shoot gas and rubber bullets at us." The debate in the commission of the Base Law concluded on Thursday at night in the Senate, without the ruling party of La Libertad Avanza being able to advance a ruling to be able to bring the project to the floor.
Buenos Aires, Argentina - In the photos, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, made the first management report before the Senate on May 15, 2024. Posse projected an inflation of 139% and one dollar at $1016 by the end of 2024 , and after a 42-minute presentation, the official responded to the legislators' queries who delved into the dissatisfaction with the written responses they had previously sent him.
Buenos Aires, Argentina - In the photos, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, made the first management report before the Senate on May 15, 2024. Posse projected an inflation of 139% and one dollar at $1016 by the end of 2024 , and after a 42-minute presentation, the official responded to the legislators' queries who delved into the dissatisfaction with the written responses they had previously sent him.
Buenos Aires, Argentina - In the photos, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, made the first management report before the Senate on May 15, 2024. Posse projected an inflation of 139% and one dollar at $1016 by the end of 2024 , and after a 42-minute presentation, the official responded to the legislators' queries who delved into the dissatisfaction with the written responses they had previously sent him.
Buenos Aires, Argentina - In a photo taken on 14 March 2024, the Senate this afternoon rejected the motion to postpone the treatment of the megaDNU 70/2023 to reform the State and its debate was enabled to be voted on this afternoon. The motion to postpone the debate, which was presented by Senator Ezequiel Atauche (La Libertad Avanza), was rejected by 41 votes, while it obtained 30 positive votes.
Buenos Aires, Argentina - In a photo taken on 14 March 2024, the Senate this afternoon rejected the motion to postpone the treatment of the megaDNU 70/2023 to reform the State and its debate was enabled to be voted on this afternoon. The motion to postpone the debate, which was presented by Senator Ezequiel Atauche (La Libertad Avanza), was rejected by 41 votes, while it obtained 30 positive votes.
Buenos Aires, Argentina - In a photo taken on 14 March 2024, the Senate this afternoon rejected the motion to postpone the treatment of the megaDNU 70/2023 to reform the State and its debate was enabled to be voted on this afternoon. The motion to postpone the debate, which was presented by Senator Ezequiel Atauche (La Libertad Avanza), was rejected by 41 votes, while it obtained 30 positive votes.
Buenos Aires, Argentina - In a photo taken on 14 March 2024, the Senate this afternoon rejected the motion to postpone the treatment of the megaDNU 70/2023 to reform the State and its debate was enabled to be voted on this afternoon. The motion to postpone the debate, which was presented by Senator Ezequiel Atauche (La Libertad Avanza), was rejected by 41 votes, while it obtained 30 positive votes.
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